Author Archives: admin

Maps of thinned and as yet un-thinned forest at Point Pleasant Park 20Jul2024

Our Members’ annual Outdoors Meeting was held at PPP (Point Pleasant Park) on May 27, 2024.   We planned that, after a brief meeting, we would  look at sites where the forest had been thinned (2019 or 2020), and at sites … Continue reading

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Otter Ponds iNaturlaist BioBlitz Sat July 6, 2024

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Season of the Spring Ephemerals/Early Summer Forbs 12May2024

‘Received this a.m. a notice about a post on Spring Ephemerals by Kate MacQuarrie on her PEI Untamed Blog. Kate’s blog has lots of natural history stuff relevant to NS. Kate’s piece on spring ephemerals reminded me of an “article” … Continue reading

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City Nature Challenge begins Apr 26 (today) & runs to Mon Apr 29, 2024

Halifax is participating in the iNaturalist-based City Nature Challenge again, this year over the days Friday Apr 26 to Monday Apr 29 It’s pretty simple to contribute to Halifax’s effort to document our natural world and illustrate citizen’s love of … Continue reading

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Sat Oct 14, 2023 at 1 pm: Sandy Lake (Bedford) Old Forest walk

David Patriquin will lead this walk on Sat Oct 14, 2023. If Saturday look very rainy, it will be on Sunday, Oct 15. Check this post if uncertain; ‘will update/confirm Fri at noon. We will meet 1 p,m* in the … Continue reading

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Mon Oct 23 Member’s Meeting via Zoom: Fires, Conservation and Fire Management in the Halifax Backlands

Online presentation by David Patriquin to the NS Wild Flora Society, 7:30 p.m. Monday Oct 23, 2023. All welcome. The “Backlands”, located only a few kilometers from from peninsular Halifax, NS, are a Thompsonesque urban wilderness of approximately 1350 hectares … Continue reading

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Event of interest: Chebucto Moose Field Meeting on Sunday Oct 22, 2023

Details & Registration Here More about the Chebcto Moose Here

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Can a soil sample from 416,000 years ago give us some insight into where we are headed today?

NS Wild Flora Society member Norris Whiston thinks so. One of Norris’s passions is compiling user-friendly guides to the local flora. He also has a fascination with the geological/geochemical/evolutionary history of the Earth, and likes to put it all together … Continue reading

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Art Meets Nature and Activism at Sandy Lake – art show opens Thursday July 13th, 2023 !

A wonderful collective of artists has been creating works based on their experiences at Sandy Lake Regional Park. Their gorgeous paintings and drawings will form part of a 2-week long art show at Second Gallery (Upstairs at 6301 Quinpool Road, … Continue reading

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Nature NS asks us to “Take the Challenge: Biodiversity Challenge Badge” 26Oct2022

It’s pretty simple and would likely mesh readily with the nature exploration & enjoyment activities of the NS Wild Flora Society and many more nature-oriented folks in NS: “basically, the challenge is to observe the natural world around you as … Continue reading

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