Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trip to Forchu, Canso Barrens, Port Bickerton

On Wednesday Aug. 14, NSWFS members Bob Kennedy and Jeff White are planning a hike near Forchu, Cape Breton to look for the rare New Jersey Rush. The next day we plan to be in Black Duck Provincial Park to … Continue reading

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Otter Ponds iNaturlaist BioBlitz Sat July 6, 2024

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Season of the Spring Ephemerals/Early Summer Forbs 12May2024

‘Received this a.m. a notice about a post on Spring Ephemerals by Kate MacQuarrie on her PEI Untamed Blog. Kate’s blog has lots of natural history stuff relevant to NS. Kate’s piece on spring ephemerals reminded me of an “article” … Continue reading

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NSWFS City Nature Challenge Hike – Long Lake Fri. Apr. 26 12:00pm

Charles Cron will be leading a nature hike to support the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge on Friday April 26. It will be along a little used trail on Long Lake Provincial Park.   Meet 12:00 Noon; Dunbrack street. Part of … Continue reading

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The Nova Scotia Museum Research Grants Program is Open  – Deadline March 8

The Nova Scotia Museum’s call for applications for Research Grants in Natural History is live for 2024. It’s a tight turnaround time (due March 8th), but the maximum funding amount is $10,000. The Nova Scotia Museum Research Grant Program, … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society Annual General Meeting – Apr 24 7:00pm via Zoom

Beaked Hazel Corylus cornuta and Eastern Leatherwood Dirca palustris – Photos Bob Kennedy Our 2022 AGM will take place Apr 24 at 7:00pm via Zoom. If you are a NSWFS member, you should receive an email zoom invitation with attached … Continue reading

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Member’s Slide Night

Tonight (Jan. 30) is our member’s meeting and slide night. If you are a member, you should have received an email with the link for the Zoom meeting. We seem to have had some problems with the emails, so if … Continue reading

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All upcoming Field Trips cancelled until further notice

Due to the impact of hurricane Fiona, the Polly’s Cove and Cape Breton Field Trips are cancelled until further notice.

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Sep 26  Online Members Meeting Cancelled!

Due to our inability to predict how Hurricane Fiona will affect our ability to hold an online meeting, we are cancelling the member’s meeting scheduled for Monday Sep 26. We will post more information on possibly rescheduling it after the … Continue reading

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Burkhard Plache June 21 1965 September 10 2022

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of our members: Burkhard Plache. He was a pillar of the Halifax naturalist community and will be sorely missed by his wife Ingrid and all of us who … Continue reading

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