Category Archives: natural history

Upcoming Eagle Hill Field Seminar: Leaf and Stem Mining Insects

Title: Leaf and Stem Mining Insects Instructor: Charley Eiseman Dates: August 4–10, 2024 Description: Leaf and stem miners are insect larvae that feed within the tissues of plants for at least part of their development, forming externally visible feeding patterns … Continue reading

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Searching for the 3 flowered (on one stem) violet

NSWFS member Peter Steiner is engaged in a research project on Viola sagittata (Arrowleaf Violet on the left) and the closely related Viola fimbriatula (Downy Blue Violet on the right). In particular, he is trying to find evidence of a … Continue reading

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Eagle Hill Entomology Seminar (May 6th – May 20th, 2024)

The course will explore topics including an overview of the insect orders, evolution, external morphology and internal anatomy, reproduction and mating strategies, social behavior, ecological services, and conservation. The course will also include some simple methods and resources for beginning … Continue reading

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Update to Eagle Hill Seminars for this Summer

Join the people at Eagle Hill this summer for a week-long, natural history seminar taught by expert field biologists. Eagle Hill is located on the coast of Maine, between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. For more … Continue reading

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Newest Eagle Hill Seminars

See the full schedule here

Posted in Flora, forest ecology, natural history | Leave a comment

Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest (December 5–19, 2023) – Eagle Hill Online Mini-Seminar

Title: Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Instructor: Erika Mitchell Dates: December 5, 9, 12, 16, and 19, 2023 Times: 7–9PM ET Tuition Cost: $225 Description: Winter is a wonderful time to get to know … Continue reading

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Link to Moss Flora of the Maritimes

Sean Haughian has provided us with this seminal reference on maritime bryophytes. You can find the link here in our reference library on Bryophytes. Robert R. Ireland of the Museum of Natural Sciences in Ottawa created the comprehensive manual of … Continue reading

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Sea Turtle Beach Patrol

Every fall for the past many years the Sea Turtle Beach Patrol runs a beach patrol program from November 1 to January 31 where they ask volunteers to walk a beach of their choosing once a week looking for cold-stunned … Continue reading

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Can a soil sample from 416,000 years ago give us some insight into where we are headed today?

NS Wild Flora Society member Norris Whiston thinks so. One of Norris’s passions is compiling user-friendly guides to the local flora. He also has a fascination with the geological/geochemical/evolutionary history of the Earth, and likes to put it all together … Continue reading

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Eagle Hill Seminar on Entomology

Dates: August 13–19, 2023 Description: This seminar takes place at the Eagle Hill Institute in Stueben, Maine. It will focus on the family and genus level taxonomy of the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera and is offered for anyone involved in … Continue reading

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