The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society is dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of wild flora and habitat, especially in Nova Scotia. A non-profit organization and an affiliate of the North American Native Plant Society, the society welcomes all people who are interested in native flora. Members meet regularly on a social basis to host speakers, plan recreational field trips, and organize other events.
Membership in the N.S. Wild Flora Society
Members of the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society embark on recreational field trips during the spring, summer and fall months and attend informative lectures during the winter. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History auditorium.
Membership annual fees are $15 for individuals or $20 for families.
You can find more information on becoming a member under “Membership” on the menu.
Contact Us
e-mail: novascotiawildflora@gmail.com – please begin the subject line with “WFS Business”.
Postal Address: Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society, c/o Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, N.S. B3H 3A6.

Some of the board members hard at work!
Board of Directors
Position | Name | Phone |
President | Charles Cron | (902) 477-8272 (after 6 p.m.) |
Secretary | Beth McGee | |
Treasurer | Bob Kennedy | (902) 719-8456 |
Publicity | LH Paris | (902) 425-1079 |
Website | David Patriquin | 902) 423-5716 |
Membership | LH Paris | (902) 425-1079 |
Vice President | Bob Kennedy | (902) 719-8456 |
Web Site
Notice of errors and other feedback is appreciated. Please send it to novascotiawildflora@gmail.com (copy and paste the e-mail address).
Our first web site was hosted at www.chebucto.ns.ca/~nswfs and maintained by the late Jean Sawyer. Hosting of the current site under the domain name nswildflora.ca began Oct. 7, 2007. David Patriquin redesigned the web site in consultation with Heather Drope and Anne Mills. On Sep 12, 2017, that site was archived, and a new website on the WordPress platform was initiated. David Patriquin is the webmaster. The WordPress format will allow more people to be involved in adding and updating content.