Vascular Plants Links Pg 2

  • Pteridophytes of Wisconsin: Ferns and Fern Allies
    A good introduction to identifying ferns and fern allies (clubmosses, quillworts, spike-moss, horsetails) with photographs of Wisconsin species, many of them shared with N.S.
  • Connecticut Botanical Society
    The website provides comprehensive gelleries of wildflowers and ferns of Connecticut, keys to ferns and goldenrods.
  • Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium.
    Digital Image database with short descriptions of species.
  • Trees in Canada
    Digital Image database.
  • Silvics of North America
    Russell M. Burns and Barbara H. Honkala, auths. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 654. Look up individual tree species for detailed, referenced information on range, habitat, asociated spcies, life history, genetics, special uses.
  • Hyppa: Weeds 
    “This encyclopedic database on plant protection catalogues the main weeds (580) of western Europe, describes the species at two stages: mature plants and seedlings, and provides information on their taxonomy, their distribution and their ecology.” As most of our weedy species are of European origin, many are included on this site.
  • Tree Fact Sheets 
    This Virginia Tech site has pages for many of the trees found in N.S., each with photos of leaves, tree trunks, twigs, flowers, fruits, habitat.
  • University of Wisconsin – Madison Plant Systematics Collection
    “This web site provides structured access to a teaching collection of plant images representing over 250 families and 1500 genera of vascular plants.”
  • Grass Manual on the Web
    “The Grass Manual site will be unavailable for several months while we rebuild and improve the web site and data base. ”  When it is back up, he Grass Manual on the Web allows one to look up distribution maps, illustrations, images, treatments, synonomies and notes for grasses of North America. It is being developed by botanists at Utah State University who also coordinated writing of Volumes 24 and 25 of the Flora of North America (on grasses), and a single volume Manual of Grasses for North America.
  • Natural Communities of New Hampshire
    Photograhs and text describing plant communities in New hampshire, many of which are shared, in part at least, with N.S.