Field Trip to Polly’s Cove Trail Oct. 29 or Oct. 30

The field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) has been moved to the following weekend due to Hurricane Fiona.
Meet at Parking area: 10:00 Am Sunday Oct 2. Rain Date Sat. Oct 1.
Take route 333 from Upper Tantallon St.Margaret’s Bay Road about 23 km to site, a little past Peggy’s cove (< 1km) ,Parking for 5-6 cars on the right seaward side of the road. Area is filled with granite whale backs,barrens,bogs,small ponds etc. The seacoast also has a wide variety of coastal flora. 2-4 hrs. Bring lunch.water, binoculars,camera etc. Dress for the weather. Bogs are dry at present and hiking boots may be ok.
Please contact Charlie Cron to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Ferry crosses once an hour on the half hour. No other stops required, except for gas if needed.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.

Field Trip to Polly’s Cove Trail Oct. 29 or Oct. 30

The field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) has been moved to the following weekend due to Hurricane Fiona.
Meet at Parking area: 10:00 Am Sunday Oct 2. Rain Date Sat. Oct 1.
Take route 333 from Upper Tantallon St.Margaret’s Bay Road about 23 km to site, a little past Peggy’s cove (< 1km) ,Parking for 5-6 cars on the right seaward side of the road. Area is filled with granite whale backs,barrens,bogs,small ponds etc. The seacoast also has a wide variety of coastal flora. 2-4 hrs. Bring lunch.water, binoculars,camera etc. Dress for the weather. Bogs are dry at present and hiking boots may be ok.
Please contact Charlie Cron to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com
Field trip to Balancing Rock, Long Island – Sunday March 24, 2024
Balancing Rock Trail on Long Island. Meet at trail head at 10:00 hrs. If you miss the Ferry at 09:30 catch the next crossing.
We will be near the start of the trail and looking for Skunk Cabbage in bloom, Dwarf Mistletoe flowers – male in bloom and female flowers ( the female will not be in bloom). We then return to long Island and search a bog for Curly Grass Fern. If time permits we will then try to locate and briefly explore a new trail near Acaciaville ( Nature Trust Property).
From Halifax take the 101 to Digby ( 2hrs): get Gas in Digby if required) then take the 217 to Tiddville and the Ferry to Long Island. The trail is about 1Km South west of the Ferry landing. Just follow the Road signs the area is well marked and easy to find.
Field Trip to Valley View Prov. Park (Bridgetown) – Oct 28 or 29
Charles Cron will be leading a field trip to Valley View Provincial Park, near Bridgetown on Oct 28 (or 29 if weathered). American beech is the dominant tree and this is one of the best beech forests left in NS.
1hr 15 min from Halifax. Hwy 101 to exit 20: Trunk1 Annapolis county. Turn right to Bridgetown. Then in Bridgetown turn right onto Hampton mountain Road, up hill to the Park at 960 Hampton Mtn. Road. ( Follow Road signs to the Park).
Meet at Park entrance 10:00 hrs. 1-2 hrs . Trail easy,but steep uphill to site.
Anyone interested please register with me By email or phone before Friday 09:00hrs. 902 477 8272 or ccron72@hotmail.com

Photo explorenovascotia.com
Saturday Oct 14, 2023: Sandy Lake (Bedford) Old Forest Walk
Rain Date: Sun Oct 15, 2023. Forest Walk. View Details
Field Trip : Polly’s Cove – This weekend, day to be confirmed
Charles Cron will be leading a field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) It will be either Saturday or Sunday. We will update this post as soon as it is confirmed.
Take the 101 from Halifax: exit 5 at Upper Tantallon : turn left at the lights on the Hamonds Plains Road ,to the Junction with Rte 3 St. Margaret’s Bay Road,turn Right on the St,Margaret’s Bay Road to the lights: then Left onto rte.333 .Follow route 333 to Peggy’s Cove, go about 1.5 km past Peggy’s Cove uphill : there are 2 parking areas ,oe on the left the next on the right at the Trail head for Poly’s Cove. Otherwise park on the roadside but do not block traffic.
Meet at the trailhead at 10:00 am. Duration about 2-3 hrs. Wear waterproof hikers or rubber boots. Moderately difficult (Depending on the route taken). Bring water and lunch. (some areas may be flooded).
Please register with Charlie Cron by Thursday Sept 28 to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com or call 902 477 8272 leave message
NSWFS/Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Botanical Walks – June 26, 2023 Inverness County

Showy Lady’s Slipper – Cypripedium reginae – Photo by Jeff White
There will be two walks near Lake Ainsley on June 26
The morning walk will be conducted by the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society to see the Showy Lady’s Slippers. Participants will meet at 1171 Blackstone Rd. (at the intersection with W. Lake Ainsley Rd.) at 9:30. We will car pool to the head of the Inverness Shean/Celtic Shores Coastal Trail, then walk about a km to the access point for the orchids. We will then hike about 200m into the brush. If time allows, we will then drive to a site where a pure white Lady’s Slipper is known. Please register for this walk (if you have not yet done so) by emailing novascotiawildflora@gmail.com
Bring a lunch, boots and insect repellent.
The afternoon walk starts from the same location, 1171 Blackstone Rd. at 1:00pm. This walk is being conducted by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in conjunction with the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre and the Nova Scotian Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. We will wander through the Black River Bog property nearby and check out some wonderful bog and other flora, including the rare sage willow. We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration and more details for the afternoon walk are to be found at:
Please register separately for both events!
Field Trip to Meguma Falls with Nature NS – May 27, 2023
Field Trip starts at the Yellow Birch Trailhead 9:00AM May 27. We will follow Sandy Cope trail (solid red line) then the trail to Meguma Falls (dotted line). The Sandy Cope Trail is easy and the Meguma Falls Trail is moderate. Some may wish to only do the easier part of the trail.
To get there from Halifax: Drive to Truro,take exit 14A turn Right onto Onslow Road ( NS 2) and drive 3.7 Km at a Flashing Yellow light turn left onto Hwy 311. Drive about 26 km,and turn right onto Kemptown Road. Drive about 5 km on the Kemptown Road. The Gully lake Wilderness Trail Head will be on your left. There is limited Parking for cars; if full, park on the roadside. Do not block the entrance as this is also a Gated fire road. We will access the trails from the fire road., and return along the fire road.
We should arrive by 09:00 hrs.
Field Trip to see Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper May 26 Confirmed, 2023
Trip is now confirmed. Meet at the Carpool Parking lot near exit 4 at St Croix at 10:o0hrs. : Take exit 4 at St Croix go to the Evangeline Trail, turn left (marked exit to Halifax), drive about ½ km to the carpool site, gravel road near Hwy 101, exit to Halifax is on the opposite side of the 101. Do not drive under the highway as you will have gone too far. The carpool site is off the gravel road adjacent to the 101 on the St Croix side of the 101. We will meet there.
This walk will be on Nature Trust land and will include a person from Nature Trust and 2 land owners. It will probably be 2-3 hours of light hiking. The maximum participants from NSWFS is 8, so please register with Charles Cron if you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com
Hike to McIntosh Run Trails for City Nature Challenge – Sat. Apr. 29, 2023
As a contribution to the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge, NSWFS is conducting a hike through some of the more unique vegetation in HRM on Saturday April 29: Starting in the Jack Pine barrens of McIntosh Trail Run then down to the wetlands of Flat Lake .
Broom Crowberry – Corema conradii Phot0 Charles Cron
We will meet at the Osprey Trailhead Parking Lot at the end of Alabaster Way; 10:00AM. It is an entry point to the McIntosh Run trail system.
Parking is limited. Street parking is possible in some areas. An alternate parking lot is available at the Spryfield Lions Rink. You can carpool from there in limit numbers. There are multiple access points to the trail system along the granite ridge, running parallel with the houses.
We will travel east along the green marked trail to the Flat lake lookoff, hopefully to the lakeshore, then return to the west through a complicated series of trails known as the attic and Lou’s basement. There are many switchbacks and informal unmarked cross trails, much of which is on private lands and not part of the McIntosh Run trail system.
About 4 hrs. bring lunch, cameras, binoculars, rain gear, hiking boots or waterproof footwear. Trails are easy but mostly on granite rock. Expect to see Jack pine in various stages, Broom Crowberry, Leatherleaf, Sweet Gale, and Long Stalked Sedge in bloom. We will also visit a site of the endangered Pine Barren Goldheather, just emerging from the harsh winter.
Please email novascotiawildflora@gmail.com to register. All are welcome.
NSWFS Field Trip Balancing Rock Trail moved to March 26, 2023
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Ferry crosses once an hour on the half hour. No other stops required, except for gas if needed.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.

Field Trip to Polly’s Cove Trail Oct. 29 or Oct. 30

The field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) has been moved to the following weekend due to Hurricane Fiona.
Meet at Parking area: 10:00 Am Sunday Oct 2. Rain Date Sat. Oct 1.
Take route 333 from Upper Tantallon St.Margaret’s Bay Road about 23 km to site, a little past Peggy’s cove (< 1km) ,Parking for 5-6 cars on the right seaward side of the road. Area is filled with granite whale backs,barrens,bogs,small ponds etc. The seacoast also has a wide variety of coastal flora. 2-4 hrs. Bring lunch.water, binoculars,camera etc. Dress for the weather. Bogs are dry at present and hiking boots may be ok.
Please contact Charlie Cron to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com
Field trip to Balancing Rock, Long Island – Sunday March 24, 2024
Balancing Rock Trail on Long Island. Meet at trail head at 10:00 hrs. If you miss the Ferry at 09:30 catch the next crossing.
We will be near the start of the trail and looking for Skunk Cabbage in bloom, Dwarf Mistletoe flowers – male in bloom and female flowers ( the female will not be in bloom). We then return to long Island and search a bog for Curly Grass Fern. If time permits we will then try to locate and briefly explore a new trail near Acaciaville ( Nature Trust Property).
From Halifax take the 101 to Digby ( 2hrs): get Gas in Digby if required) then take the 217 to Tiddville and the Ferry to Long Island. The trail is about 1Km South west of the Ferry landing. Just follow the Road signs the area is well marked and easy to find.
Field Trip to Valley View Prov. Park (Bridgetown) – Oct 28 or 29
Charles Cron will be leading a field trip to Valley View Provincial Park, near Bridgetown on Oct 28 (or 29 if weathered). American beech is the dominant tree and this is one of the best beech forests left in NS.
1hr 15 min from Halifax. Hwy 101 to exit 20: Trunk1 Annapolis county. Turn right to Bridgetown. Then in Bridgetown turn right onto Hampton mountain Road, up hill to the Park at 960 Hampton Mtn. Road. ( Follow Road signs to the Park).
Meet at Park entrance 10:00 hrs. 1-2 hrs . Trail easy,but steep uphill to site.
Anyone interested please register with me By email or phone before Friday 09:00hrs. 902 477 8272 or ccron72@hotmail.com

Photo explorenovascotia.com
Saturday Oct 14, 2023: Sandy Lake (Bedford) Old Forest Walk
Rain Date: Sun Oct 15, 2023. Forest Walk. View Details
Field Trip : Polly’s Cove – This weekend, day to be confirmed
Charles Cron will be leading a field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) It will be either Saturday or Sunday. We will update this post as soon as it is confirmed.
Take the 101 from Halifax: exit 5 at Upper Tantallon : turn left at the lights on the Hamonds Plains Road ,to the Junction with Rte 3 St. Margaret’s Bay Road,turn Right on the St,Margaret’s Bay Road to the lights: then Left onto rte.333 .Follow route 333 to Peggy’s Cove, go about 1.5 km past Peggy’s Cove uphill : there are 2 parking areas ,oe on the left the next on the right at the Trail head for Poly’s Cove. Otherwise park on the roadside but do not block traffic.
Meet at the trailhead at 10:00 am. Duration about 2-3 hrs. Wear waterproof hikers or rubber boots. Moderately difficult (Depending on the route taken). Bring water and lunch. (some areas may be flooded).
Please register with Charlie Cron by Thursday Sept 28 to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com or call 902 477 8272 leave message
NSWFS/Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Botanical Walks – June 26, 2023 Inverness County

Showy Lady’s Slipper – Cypripedium reginae – Photo by Jeff White
There will be two walks near Lake Ainsley on June 26
The morning walk will be conducted by the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society to see the Showy Lady’s Slippers. Participants will meet at 1171 Blackstone Rd. (at the intersection with W. Lake Ainsley Rd.) at 9:30. We will car pool to the head of the Inverness Shean/Celtic Shores Coastal Trail, then walk about a km to the access point for the orchids. We will then hike about 200m into the brush. If time allows, we will then drive to a site where a pure white Lady’s Slipper is known. Please register for this walk (if you have not yet done so) by emailing novascotiawildflora@gmail.com
Bring a lunch, boots and insect repellent.
The afternoon walk starts from the same location, 1171 Blackstone Rd. at 1:00pm. This walk is being conducted by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in conjunction with the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre and the Nova Scotian Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. We will wander through the Black River Bog property nearby and check out some wonderful bog and other flora, including the rare sage willow. We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration and more details for the afternoon walk are to be found at:
Please register separately for both events!
Field Trip to Meguma Falls with Nature NS – May 27, 2023
Field Trip starts at the Yellow Birch Trailhead 9:00AM May 27. We will follow Sandy Cope trail (solid red line) then the trail to Meguma Falls (dotted line). The Sandy Cope Trail is easy and the Meguma Falls Trail is moderate. Some may wish to only do the easier part of the trail.
To get there from Halifax: Drive to Truro,take exit 14A turn Right onto Onslow Road ( NS 2) and drive 3.7 Km at a Flashing Yellow light turn left onto Hwy 311. Drive about 26 km,and turn right onto Kemptown Road. Drive about 5 km on the Kemptown Road. The Gully lake Wilderness Trail Head will be on your left. There is limited Parking for cars; if full, park on the roadside. Do not block the entrance as this is also a Gated fire road. We will access the trails from the fire road., and return along the fire road.
We should arrive by 09:00 hrs.
Field Trip to see Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper May 26 Confirmed, 2023
Trip is now confirmed. Meet at the Carpool Parking lot near exit 4 at St Croix at 10:o0hrs. : Take exit 4 at St Croix go to the Evangeline Trail, turn left (marked exit to Halifax), drive about ½ km to the carpool site, gravel road near Hwy 101, exit to Halifax is on the opposite side of the 101. Do not drive under the highway as you will have gone too far. The carpool site is off the gravel road adjacent to the 101 on the St Croix side of the 101. We will meet there.
This walk will be on Nature Trust land and will include a person from Nature Trust and 2 land owners. It will probably be 2-3 hours of light hiking. The maximum participants from NSWFS is 8, so please register with Charles Cron if you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com
Hike to McIntosh Run Trails for City Nature Challenge – Sat. Apr. 29, 2023
As a contribution to the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge, NSWFS is conducting a hike through some of the more unique vegetation in HRM on Saturday April 29: Starting in the Jack Pine barrens of McIntosh Trail Run then down to the wetlands of Flat Lake .
Broom Crowberry – Corema conradii Phot0 Charles Cron
We will meet at the Osprey Trailhead Parking Lot at the end of Alabaster Way; 10:00AM. It is an entry point to the McIntosh Run trail system.
Parking is limited. Street parking is possible in some areas. An alternate parking lot is available at the Spryfield Lions Rink. You can carpool from there in limit numbers. There are multiple access points to the trail system along the granite ridge, running parallel with the houses.
We will travel east along the green marked trail to the Flat lake lookoff, hopefully to the lakeshore, then return to the west through a complicated series of trails known as the attic and Lou’s basement. There are many switchbacks and informal unmarked cross trails, much of which is on private lands and not part of the McIntosh Run trail system.
About 4 hrs. bring lunch, cameras, binoculars, rain gear, hiking boots or waterproof footwear. Trails are easy but mostly on granite rock. Expect to see Jack pine in various stages, Broom Crowberry, Leatherleaf, Sweet Gale, and Long Stalked Sedge in bloom. We will also visit a site of the endangered Pine Barren Goldheather, just emerging from the harsh winter.
Please email novascotiawildflora@gmail.com to register. All are welcome.
NSWFS Field Trip Balancing Rock Trail moved to March 26, 2023
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sun March 26 due to weather.
We are fortunate to have Bob Guscott joining us this year. He is an expert in dwarf mistletoe and gave an excellent talk to us last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Ferry crosses once an hour on the half hour. No other stops required, except for gas if needed.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.
We will meet at the Balancing Rock Parking lot by10:00 to 10:30 hrs. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.

Field Trip to Polly’s Cove Trail Oct. 29 or Oct. 30

The field trip to the Polly’s Cove Trail (between Peggy’s Cove and West Dover) has been moved to the following weekend due to Hurricane Fiona.
Meet at Parking area: 10:00 Am Sunday Oct 2. Rain Date Sat. Oct 1.
Take route 333 from Upper Tantallon St.Margaret’s Bay Road about 23 km to site, a little past Peggy’s cove (< 1km) ,Parking for 5-6 cars on the right seaward side of the road. Area is filled with granite whale backs,barrens,bogs,small ponds etc. The seacoast also has a wide variety of coastal flora. 2-4 hrs. Bring lunch.water, binoculars,camera etc. Dress for the weather. Bogs are dry at present and hiking boots may be ok.
Please contact Charlie Cron to let him know that you plan to attend. ccron72@hotmail.com