AGM by Zoom January 6, 2021
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Members only : Troop Island. Old growth trees on Nova Scotia Nature Trust property. Sat. June 13 with alternate dates June 20 /21 whichever is best re weather concerns (rain wind etc).Boat crossing to island.
Register with Charles Cron before Wed. June 10; email or phone 902 477 8272.; will make final decision for trip on the Wednesday night each week . Will need a list of all participants by Wed. week of June 8. Plan cost 0f $5.00 each for boat, limited numbers 3 or 4 groups of 3, to be kept separate ( Covid 19 precautions apply: Everyone must wear a mask and respect social distancing. Every participant must confirm they are symptom free ). Maximum 10-12 participants.
Monday, Nov 25, 2019: Sean Haughian on the Lichens and Liverworts growing on the trees, soil and rocks of Atlantic Canada
Sean R. Haughian is Curator of Botany at the Nova Scotia Museum and he has specialized in lichens, liverworts and bryophytes in his many years as a field and lab botanist. Nova Scotia has one of the best habitats in the world for a broad diversity of these primitive plants and fungal symbionts. It is not too hot, not too cold, the air is clean and our climate offers a lot of moisture. And best of all for this time of year, they are easy to find all winter when most vascular plants disappear.
Come learn from an engaging speaker with a passion for his subject.
Monday, Oct 28, 2019: Jamie Simpson on Eating Wild in Eastern Canada
Jamie Simpson will be our guest speaker at our regular monthly meeting for October. All Welcome.
“Jamie Simpson is a forester, lawyer, and writer with a passion for exploring our natural world (and sometimes eating it). He is the author of Restoring the Acadian Forest: A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in Eastern Canada, and Journeys through Eastern Old-growth Forests. Jamie has received several awards for his conservation work, including the Elizabeth May Award for Environmental Service, the Environmental Law Prize from Dalhousie University, and the Honour in the Woods Award from the Nova Scotia Environmental Network.” His most recent book is Eating Wild in Eastern Canada, A Guide to Foraging the Forests, Fields and Shorelines.
We look forward to an interesting evening!
7:30 p.m. at NS Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax
Monthly Wild Flora Meeting Monday Sep 23
Our speaker, Alain Belliveau, will talk about his explorations for the Ram’s-head Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium arietinum), a small but beautiful orchid whose very few populations are ranked as vulnerable in Nova Scotia.
Alain is the Botanist and collections manager of the Irving Biodiversity Collections at the E.C. Smith Herbarium at Acadia University, with a focus on the Acadian Forest Region.
Photos Bob Kennedy
3 Day Summer Field Trip in Tatamagouche – July 26 to 28

The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society has set a date for the summer field trip: July 26 to 28 – 3 days, 2 nights. We are still working on the final plan, but have so far narrowed it down to some hikes which include 2 new Nature Conservancy properties (1 old growth acadian forest, other white cedar forest) , Waugh River 2 hot spots and possibly a Wallace River Hotspot. We expect boating outings would be done as informal evening events: Angevine Lake to the the fragrant water lilies that should be blooming en masse at the east end of the lake, and Waugh River kayaking.
Mary McCauly generously offered accomodations at her properties in Tatamgouche and on Angevine Lake, but they are now fully booked. There are other accomodations still available in the area through or , but book soon.
Breakfast will be provided for those staying at Mary’s places. Picnic lunches can be prepped for an extra fee or bring your own – Nature Conservancy may help with this.
Dinners will be booked by NSWFS into local restaurants. These might be at McMahon’s in Wallace or Big Al’s in Tatamagouche. Pay your own.
Any NSWF member paid up is welcome on the outings but must please let us know well beforehand that they plan to be joining us.
Please contact Bob Kennedy to let us know if you intend to come (and have not told us so already) or if you have any questions.
ST. MARGARET’S BAY BOTANY SATURDAY , JUN. 8, with a rain date of June 9th
This is a field trip being held by the Halifax Field Naturalists
Join the NS Wild Flora Society’s President Charles Cron to explore the botany along a hiking trail in the St. Margaret’s Bay Area. We’ll begin with a first fen at an old saw mill site described as a true fen surrounded by old spruce woods. The second fen has intact mature spruce woods and a recent clear-cut. Trilliums and Stemless Lady’s Slippers will be in bloom at this time. Rubber boots will be necessary!
Rain Date: Sunday June 9nd
Contact: Carol Klar,, 443-3385
Time/place: 10:00 a.m. in the parking lot of Tim Horton’s near the Sobey’s gas bar, at Exit 5 off Hwy 103.
Duration: 2 hours
Difficulty: E asy to moderate
Monday May 27 2019: Regular meeting night Outdoors: Hobblebush in Dingle Park (aka Fleming Park)
Meet 6;30pm in the Parking lot at the Dingle Tower. If Hobblebush have past peak may travel to an alternate site nearby. Easy walking. Short distance. Charles will watch area and if peak bloom is early will post to website so all may have a chance to see an impressive display of this under story plant.
Photos Charles Cron
Monthly Wild Flora Meeting Monday Apr 22
Our speaker, Sean Blaney, will focus on recent fieldwork and new discoveries in Nova Scotia, especially in the Cape Breton Highlands in the highest elevation region of the National Park between Cheticamp and Clyburne Brook.
Sean is the Executive Director and Scientist for the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre in Sackville New Brunswick.
See Skunk Cabbage on Long Island Apr 14
Travel to Digby then convoy to Long Island > Balancing Rock parking lot. Leave Halifax 06:00 hrs. Meet at Tim Hortons Digby at exit 26, Near the Irving CircleK,at 10:00 hrs. Then drive in convoy to East Ferry ,ferry across to Tiverton, then to Balancing Rock Parking lot. We will search the trail from the Parking Lot to Balancing Rock and return. There are other areas to search along the way around Tiddville in particular. 3-4 hr drive both directions from Halifax. Bring lunch,water, rubber boots,and camera gear. Ground may be soft and wet. Please register with Charles Cron 902 477 8272 or email by Friday Apr 12. Trip is weather dependent and final decision will be made by 9:00 pm Friday evening.I will call participants or email Friday night if cancelled.
Monday March 25, 2019 – Roots of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust: 25 years of Preserving Places for Special Plants
The Nova Scotia Nature Trust is celebrating 25 years of land conservation this year! Join Jessica Bradford, Conservation Project Coordinator, as she takes you through a short history of the Nature Trust rooted in preserving places for special and rare plants like the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora in Southwest Nova. She will also highlight some other Nature Trust conservation lands noted for their unique wild flora.
Monday Feb 25, 2019: New Nature Conservancy Properties
On Monday February 25 2019, guest speaker and member Doug van Hemessen will inform us about some of the newest Nature Conservancy of Canada properties in Nova Scotia including the new acquisition in the Tatamagouche area. We plan to visit that area in a weekend trip this summer. Following Doug’s presentation (about 45 minutes) and questions, the remainder of the meeting will be devoted to a discussion of plans for the Tatamagouche trip. Charlie Cron will give a short presentation on some of the relatively rare intervale vegetation we may see in the area.

Canada Lily (Lilium canadense) – Photo Charles Cron
Come join us at 7:30 pm, Monday Feb. 25, 2019 in the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax.
Members’ Photo Night Monday Jan. 28, 2019
On Monday Jan. 29, all NSWFS members have an opportunity to share their favourite recent photos on the high quality projector in the Museum of Natural History. Select up to 10 of your favourite flora slides of the year or from any trip you found interesting and put them on a memory stick to be loaded into a computer before the meeting begins. Do you have a photo of a Mystery Plant to include?Please contact us at if you are interested and have not done so already.
…Meetings for Feb Mar, topics TBA
…Possible winter ID walk
…Mar/Apr Skunk cabbage in SW Nova Scotia (field trip)
…Apr is AGM and ACCDC talk
…Apr/May: Avon Peninsula/Hepatica exploration (field trip; Charles Cron)
…May: Nature NS weekend (usually last wk-end in May)
…May or early June, outdoor evening Mtg/Walk