Results of 2 week iNaturalist Bio-Blitz in SW Nova Scotia

  A 2-week bioblitz was just held in Southwest Nova.

This is the second year for this competition in Kespukwitk, one of the seven traditional districts of Mi’kma’ki. This area includes the nine Southwest Nova municipalities that are in Kespukwitk today: Annapolis, Argyle, Barrington, Clare, Digby, Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne, and Yarmouth.

Observations were posted to iNaturalist and can be viewed under the following project: Second Annual Kespukwitk Municipal iNat Competition:   Of the >5,387 observations 2,600+ were plants and to date there are 611 species.

To view the plant collection click:

Many (1,631) of the ‘plant’ observations posted still need to have names assigned:

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