Photos Charles Cron
Crystal Crescent Beach Park. Meet 10:00 am. Weather permitting. Meet at the Park entrance which is gated and closed. There is parking space for at least 5 -7 cars , with additional spaces along the side of the entrance road outside the gate. Be careful not to block the road.
We will follow the road to the first enlarged parking lot inside the gate. Then along the boardwalk and trail bordering Coote Cove and may go to Mackerel Cove and “The Enchanted Forest”. There is also an alternate trail to the south east which we may also visit but may be too icy. Plants to see: Amophila, Elymus, Black and White Spruce, Viburnums, Chokeberry, Ilex verticilliata, Alders, Juncus gerardii, Carex silicea and others.
Directions to Crystal Crescent: Follow road signs to Harrietsfield, Williams Wood and Sambro (at intersection turn right – at Misoo’s Riteway store), then East Pennant Road (left turn) then left again to Sambro Creek: The park entrance is about 1/2k, at Back Cove see sign and entrance road on the right. This is a Provincial Park and should not be difficult to find.
Please register with me By Friday Jan 28 ; Call 902 477 8272 or email >< .Do not email on Sat Jan 29 I will not see it. Call my cell 902 430 4785 if lost or change plan. Covid -19 precautions will be observed.
Dress for winter weather: parka, insulated boots, wool socks, warm gloves, etc. The wind is very cold out there.