Rhodora in flower at Eisner’s Cove Wetland. View more about the site
From Susan Van Iderstine:
“I am writing on behalf of the Friends of Eisner Cove Wetland, a group of citizens headed by Bill Zebedee. We are dedicated to the preservation of the wetland and its protective forest belt, situated in Dartmouth, and we are very concerned about a large residential development proposal currently in planning for the wetland site. We are asking for your help and support.
“The property including and surrounding the wetland and its watercourse was once owned by the Province. It was sold a few years ago to private ownership. In 2021 the owner, A. J. LeGrow Holdings, partnered with Clayton Development and Zzap Consulting to propose a mixed residential neighbourhood, including single and multiple family dwellings and two apartment buildings, as well as an elevated access roadway that will cross directly over the wetland. The site is referred to by the city as the Southdale Future Growth Node. The planning process has been initiated and was approved by Halifax City Council on January 11, 2022. You can find information about the proposal here: https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/southdale-planning
“Tree-cutting started late in 2021, and a significant area has already been cut down, even though the approval process is not complete. We are very worried that this proposal is on a fast track, and that environmental concerns will not be given proper attention.
“This land is (until recently) untouched old forest, home to wetland birds, deer, foxes, porcupines, rabbits, and many species of wild flora, including lady’s slippers, trilliums and dog-tooth violets. It has informal walking trails that have been used for years upon years by local people. In addition to recreational use and wetland biodiversity, the green space serves to sequester carbon, purify water supplies, and help manage air quality. It is irreplaceable. An expert member of the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society believes that the slope of the surrounding land and the current acidity level of the wetland and watercourse area, show that the removal of the tree belt, construction activities and ongoing population of the area related to this proposal will destroy the wetland habitat.
“We are asking Naturalists as a group, and each of you individually, to lend your voices and expertise to help ensure that this precious space is preserved and protected.
* Please note that we are not opposed to development in general, and we acknowledge the need for housing in Nova Scotia. It is our position that there are many more appropriate sites to choose from for housing development.
“What you can do to help:
-Please sign and share our petition for preservation of the Eisner Cove Wetland
-Publicize these concerns to your membership.
-Write to your councillor, MLA, the Minister of the Environment, the city planner (grantro@halifax.ca).
-Join our Facebook group so you can stay aware of information. @Friends of Eisner Cove Wetland
“Please join us in showing our leaders that Nova Scotians care about preserving our province’s ecological resources.
Please help us save the Eisner Cove Wetland.”