NSWFS Live & Zoom Meeting: Mon Feb 24, 7:30pm – Invasive Plants in Nova Scotia – Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council

European Reed -Phragmites australis australis; Armenian or Himilayan Blackberry -Rubus armeniacus;
Dog-Strangling Vine – Vincetoxicum rossicum; Damage from Emerald Ash Borer -Agrilus planipennis     Photos from NSISC

Our next meeting will be at the Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer St., Halifax at 7:30pm on Mondy February 24. Enter by the basement door by the parking lot. The meeting will also be streamed via Zoom and a link to Zoom will be sent out to members.

For centuries, invasive plant species have been introduced to Nova Scotia. These plants threaten native biodiversity and several species at risk. This talk will discuss what makes a species invasive, highlight some particularly problematic invasive species in Nova Scotia, and outline what we can all do to help stop their spread.

Hughstin Grimshaw-Surette is from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and from an early age has had a strong interest in insects and plants. He holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Science and a M.Sc. in Applied Science from Saint Mary’s University. As the Terrestrial Project Coordinator for the Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council, he is involved with invasive plant and insect surveys, invasive plant management, and outreach activities.

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