Juncus caesariensis – New Jersy Rush
On Wednesday Aug. 14, NSWFS members Bob Kennedy and Jeff White are planning a hike near Forchu, Cape Breton to look for the rare New Jersey Rush. The next day we plan to be in Black Duck Provincial Park to hike into the Canso Barrens. Both of these hikes will be multi-kilometre long slogs, bushwacking through either bogs or underbrush. On our way home in the afternoon of Aug. 15, we plan to stop by the Port Bickerton Lighthouse to look for a colony of Seabeach Groundsel. This should be a moderate stroll.
This is not a sanctioned NSWFS activity, just a couple of members planning a trip together. But if anybody wants to join us for some or all of this, please contact bob@grimsey.ca