Member’s Zoom Meeting Monday March 24, 7:30pm: Jeremy Lundholm – Nova Scotia Barrens Vegetation: Classification, Dynamics and Comparisons with Other Regions.

Pictures Jeremy Lundholm. Close up is of Kalmia procumbens

Jeremy will go through the recent updates to the barrens classification that was published in 2020 and discuss some of the new types that are now recognized. Then he will talk about some of the new research on dynamics: the possible role of fire and other disturbances in the creation and maintenance of some types of barrens. Finally, he’ll discuss these issues in the context of recent trips to other regions with barrens (Newfoundland & S. Labrador; Finland and Norway).

Jeremy Lundholm is a plant ecologist with a PhD from the University of Guelph. His research focuses on tidal wetland restoration, biodiversity on barrens, and vegetation classification. He works for TransCoastal Adaptations at SMU and CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists as a Senior Research Associate.

An email will soon be sent to NSWFS members with the Zoom link.

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