Author Archives: Bob Kennedy

Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society Annual General Meeting – Apr. 22 at the Museum

Beaked Hazel Corylus cornuta and Eastern Leatherwood Dirca palustris – Photos Bob Kennedy Our 2024 AGM will take place at the Museum of Natural History at 1747 Summer Street on Apr 22 at 7:30pm. It will also be simultaneously streamed … Continue reading

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Acadia University’s 2024 Native Plants Sale – June 1

One of the best sources of ethically grown native plants is the Native Plant Sale at the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens at Acadia University in Wolfville. This year it is on Saturday June 1  between 9:00AM and 12:00PM – and … Continue reading

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Eagle Hill Entomology Seminar (May 6th – May 20th, 2024)

The course will explore topics including an overview of the insect orders, evolution, external morphology and internal anatomy, reproduction and mating strategies, social behavior, ecological services, and conservation. The course will also include some simple methods and resources for beginning … Continue reading

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Member’s Zoom Meeting March 25 7:00pm – Rebecca Parker Gets Us Up to Date with The Young Naturalists Club

Rebecca (Becky) Parker is Executive Director at Nature Nova Scotia and helps run the Nova Scotia Young Naturalist’s Club. She will talk to us about their activities including the multi day expedition to SW NS in 2021 with the YNC’s … Continue reading

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Field trip to Balancing Rock, Long Island – Sunday March 24, 2024

Balancing Rock Trail on Long Island. Meet at trail head at 10:00 hrs. If you miss the Ferry at 09:30 catch the next crossing. We will be near the start of the trail and looking for Skunk Cabbage in bloom, … Continue reading

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Update to Eagle Hill Seminars for this Summer

Join the people at Eagle Hill this summer for a week-long, natural history seminar taught by expert field biologists. Eagle Hill is located on the coast of Maine, between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. For more … Continue reading

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The Nova Scotia Museum Research Grants Program is Open  – Deadline March 8

The Nova Scotia Museum’s call for applications for Research Grants in Natural History is live for 2024. It’s a tight turnaround time (due March 8th), but the maximum funding amount is $10,000. The Nova Scotia Museum Research Grant Program, … Continue reading

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Member’s Meeting Feb 26, 7:30pm – Mike Lancaster shows us the new Island Lake Wilderness Area

The next members meeting will be on Monday Feb. 26 at 7:30 pm, both in person at the Museum of Natural History 1747 Summer St. and by Zoom. If you are a member, you will be recieving a link to … Continue reading

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Newest Eagle Hill Seminars

See the full schedule here

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Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society Members’ Photo Night Monday Jan 22, 2024

Our next member’s meeting will be on January 22 in the new year. As has been our tradition for many years, you are invited to share up to 20 of your favourite wild flora photos. Do you have a photo … Continue reading

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