Forested Area in PPP that was blown down by Hurricane in 2003, exhibited vigorous re-growth and was thinned in 2020. Photo in early evening of May 27, 2024
Our Members’ annual Outdoors Meeting was held at PPP (Point Pleasant Park) on May 27, 2024. We planned that, after a brief meeting, we would look at sites where the forest had been thinned (2019 or 2020), and at sites that were as yet un-thinned. (Both are in areas that were largely blown down during Hurricane Juan and that have exhibited vigorous re-growth,)
View the Background to Thinning for some info the thinning in PPP, and at NSWFS Outdoor Meeting at PPP for a few pics from our evening meeting.
A few of us arrived early and examined a thinned area not far from the from Tower Road parking lot before proceeding to the meeting at the Prince of Wales Martello Tower at 6:30 p.m.
After a brief meeting, the assembled group (about 15) walked areas that had not yet been thinned lying below Martello Tower (i.e. southwest, towards the Arm). As is usual on our NSWFS outings, there were lots of botanical distractions and it was getting dark by the time we again walked by the thinned areas. Continue reading