Eagle Hill Seminar on Entomology

Dates: August 13–19, 2023

Description: This seminar takes place at the Eagle Hill Institute in Stueben, Maine. It will focus on the family and genus level taxonomy of the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera and is offered for anyone involved in aquatic biomonitoring or natural history survey programs. Intensive laboratory study of each group combined with field work in diverse aquatic habitats will refine taxonomic skills to improve participants reliability of family and genus level determinations as well as sampling proficiency. Reference specimens will be provided for study, but participants are strongly encouraged to bring specimens from their own region for study. Field trips to sample for nymphs/larvae and adults will be structured to provide an introduction to a variety of important macro and microhabitats. Information on the biology and ecology of families and genera of EPT taxa relevant to biomonitoring programs will also be presented. A practical exam will be available at the end of the seminar for those who want an assessment of their skills.

 – Interactive color flyer for this seminar is available here!
– Any questions about the content of the seminar should be directed to the instructor (email address can be found on the flyer).
– Details about costs, discounts, accommodations, and meals can be found here.
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