Our annual field trip to Digby Neck Balancing Rock Trail to find the first bloomers of spring: early flowering skunk cabbage and dwarf mistletoe, has been moved to Sat March 25, again due to weather.
Register with Charles Cron if you would like to attend. Call 902-477-8272 and leave a message with Name & phone number or email ccron72@hotmail.com.
Note New Directions: 4hr drive from Halifax to Balancing Rock including free ferry crossing at East Ferry.
Ferry crosses once an hour on the half hour. No other stops required, except for gas if needed.
We will meet at the ferry for the 9:30 crossing or at the Balancing Rock Parking lot around 10:00 AM. Follow the road signs and ignore previous instructions. The site is well marked with a large sign 1Km past Tiverton on Long Island.