Showy Lady’s Slipper – Cypripedium reginae – Photo by Jeff White
There will be two walks near Lake Ainsley on June 26
The morning walk will be conducted by the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society to see the Showy Lady’s Slippers. Participants will meet at 1171 Blackstone Rd. (at the intersection with W. Lake Ainsley Rd.) at 9:30. We will car pool to the head of the Inverness Shean/Celtic Shores Coastal Trail, then walk about a km to the access point for the orchids. We will then hike about 200m into the brush. If time allows, we will then drive to a site where a pure white Lady’s Slipper is known. Please register for this walk (if you have not yet done so) by emailing novascotiawildflora@gmail.com
Bring a lunch, boots and insect repellent.
The afternoon walk starts from the same location, 1171 Blackstone Rd. at 1:00pm. This walk is being conducted by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in conjunction with the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre and the Nova Scotian Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. We will wander through the Black River Bog property nearby and check out some wonderful bog and other flora, including the rare sage willow. We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration and more details for the afternoon walk are to be found at:
Please register separately for both events!