The Genus Quercus: Ecology, Evolution, and Global Distribution
Instructor: Paul Manos
Dates: March 21st–March 25th, 2022
Times: 7PM–9PM ET
Scheduling Details: Three sessions: March 21, 23, 25
Tuition Cost: $125
Description: The oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) comprise more than 430 species distributed across temperate and tropical regions of the northern hemisphere. They are among the bestknown and most ecologically significant forest trees in North America (including Mexico) and Eurasia. Oaks have shaped forest and savanna ecosystems and the diversity of urban forests, often molding the development of human civilization and mythology. This 3-part seminar introduces students to basic oak biology and traits, with a focus on the evolutionary history of the eight major clades. We examine recent investigations into the pattern and timing of the oak tree of life, historical biogeography, ecological niche differentiation, and consequences of hybridization. Case studies include oak species complexes from western and southeastern North America, with updates on the current state of oak classification as informed by phylogenomic data. Current research will highlight what the future might hold for oaks and the myriad of associated biota that depend on them. Ethnobotanical notes on oaks will be presented throughout the seminar. Along with introductions, the first session provides organization details for
sharing oak-related content/photos with the group for later discussion.
• Full, color flyer for this seminar is available here.
• Participants need to have a Zoom account (https://zoom.us ; sign-up is free). They will receive a secure link to join the seminar before it begins.
• Individual classes will be recorded and made available to stream (not download) for the duration of the seminar by its participants, so they are able to review them or make up missed ones.
Register at The Eagle Hill Institute