Category Archives: events

NSWFS Field Trip: Sat June 12/21 10:00-12:00hrs. Jack Pine Barrens

Members Only. Max 5 participants. Jack Pine Barrens:  Jack pine ,open and closed cones; Mountain sandwort; Hudsonia, Chokeberry, and others in bloom now.  Meet Parking Lot Near Naval Firefighting School. Will walk to selected sites along Purcel’s Cove Rd. and … Continue reading

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NSWFS Monthly ZOOM Meeting Mar 22 – Old Growth Identification and Protection on Crown Lands

  The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society is inviting you to our March 22nd, 2021 ZOOM Meeting. Regular business will start at 7:00 pm. Our presenters from Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry will be Peter Bush – Provincial Landscape … Continue reading

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Find other Bioblitzes coming up in the Maritimes at

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Gardening with Native Plants Webinar

The Blomindon Naturalist Society is hosting a Webinar: Ask-the-Expert: Native Plant Gardening Tuesday June 30, 7 – 8 pm (webinar) Gardening with native plants creates a win-win-win: for the gardener and our local flora and fauna. Native plants are easy … Continue reading

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Sunetra Ekanayake: Botanical Watercolours Exhibition at MSV, Nov 9 – Jan 26, 2019

November 9, 2019 – January 26, 2020 Curator: Laura Ritchie Year 2019 Theme Botanical, Painting Organized by MSVU Art Gallery Dr. Sunetra Ekanayake is a biologist and naturalist. Exploring the wilderness of Nova Scotia, she records flora and fauna encountered … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Nature Trust Hike Sept. 7

Please join the Nova Scotia Nature Trust for a ‘Connecting with Nature’ Event in partnership with their friends at the Ecology Action Centre: Conserving and Enjoying the Fire-Prone Backlands Saturday, September 7th, 10am The Purcells Cove Backlands contain a vast … Continue reading

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Monthly Wild Flora Meeting Monday Sep 23

  Our speaker, Alain Belliveau, will talk about his explorations for the Ram’s-head Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium arietinum), a small but beautiful orchid whose very few populations are ranked as vulnerable in Nova Scotia.    Alain is the Botanist and collections … Continue reading

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Sand Barrens Bioblitz on Sat June 8, NSNT evening Tues June 18, 2019

A couple of upcoming events that will be of interest to NSWFS folks: Sand Barrens Bioblitz From Ian Manning: Just a note to let you know that next Saturday, June 8th, Blomidon Naturalists Society is hosting a mini-bio-blitz in Meadowvale, … Continue reading

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Monday May 27 2019: Regular meeting night Outdoors: Hobblebush in Dingle Park (aka Fleming Park)

Meet 6;30pm in the Parking lot at the Dingle Tower. If Hobblebush have past peak may travel to an alternate site nearby. Easy walking. Short distance. Charlie will watch area and if peak bloom is early will post to website … Continue reading

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Native Plant Sale – Acadia U. Wolfville, May 4, 2019 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)

Location: KC Irving Centre and Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens – 32 University Ave., Wolfville Help support biodiversity by growing native plants in your garden. A variety of native perennials grown by volunteers from seed collected at the Harriet Irving Botanical … Continue reading

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