Canopy Lichens: Identification and Ecology – Eagle Head Seminar


Instructor: Gary Perlmutter
Dates: July 18th–July 27th, 2022
Times: 7PM–9PM ET

Scheduling Details: July 18, 20, 22, 25, & 27
Tuition Cost: $150 US

Description: This seminar will introduce participants to the learning about lichens growing in the treetops, where habitats and growing conditions are very different than at or near ground level. This seminar will focus on the identification, biology, ecology of the flora of canopy lichens by studying newly fallen trees and fallen branches and twigs. Participants will learn terminology that describes characters of lichens and their lifestyles and how these characters are used to identify lichens. Participants will learn how to collect and prepare specimens so they can build a starter collection of their own. Identification techniques of chemical spot testing and microscopy will also be covered. Ecological topics such as lichen community succession and pollution sensitivity will also be discussed.

Required materials: A hand lens or similar magnifier with 10X magnification or higher (these can be purchased online or at a local hobby store for as little as $6.99). One copy of Keys to Lichens of North America, revised and expanded by Irwin M. Brodo (available at Yale University Press for $29.95 + shipping & handling:

• Full, color flyer for this seminar is available here.

• Participants need to have a Zoom account ( ; sign-up is free). They will receive a secure link to join the seminar before it begins.

• Individual classes will be recorded and made available to stream (not download) for the duration of the seminar by its participants, so they are able to review them or make up missed ones.

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General Information

Online Calendar

If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at or call us at 207.546.2821 Ext. 4
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