If Nature Nova Scotia can inspire 4,205 members to each donate $20, Nature NS will receive an additional $100,000!

The Echo Foundation will give Nature NS $100,000 if they can raise a minimum of $20 each from 4,205 of their members.

Bob Bancroft’s attached letter shows the importance to all our members (and non member Nature advocates) of this opportunity. Just click on the link below to see the details and context of the offer.

Funding Nature NS is important. We (NSWFS) are founding members of Nature NS, and have an obligation to support this group not only as our Society, but also as individuals. This looks like a good funding opportunity for Nature NS.  I urge all our members to support Nature NS with a $ 20.00 donation now to help meet the funding requirement.

Thank you.

Charles Cron President NSWFS.

NNS updateappeal #4

See this link for their latest doner appeal Take Action for Nature this Winter

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