Category Archives: conservation

Art Meets Nature and Activism at Sandy Lake – art show opens Thursday July 13th, 2023 !

A wonderful collective of artists has been creating works based on their experiences at Sandy Lake Regional Park. Their gorgeous paintings and drawings will form part of a 2-week long art show at Second Gallery (Upstairs at 6301 Quinpool Road, … Continue reading

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Nature NS asks us to “Take the Challenge: Biodiversity Challenge Badge” 26Oct2022

It’s pretty simple and would likely mesh readily with the nature exploration & enjoyment activities of the NS Wild Flora Society and many more nature-oriented folks in NS: “basically, the challenge is to observe the natural world around you as … Continue reading

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Online Member’s Meeting Oct. 24 – The Origin, Rationale and Results of the Last Hope Camp

Our next member’s meeting will be via Zoom at 7:00pm on Oct 24. Nina Newington will be our guest speaker. The Last Hope camp was a protest camp established on a logging road in Annapolis County on 2nd December, 2021. The goal … Continue reading

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Public Comment Period on Southdale/Eisner Cover Wetland now open, closes Mon Sep 19, 2022

An invitation from Shape Our City Halifax has just been issued to “to share your feedback on the draft policies, development agreement and submitted plans” related to the Southdale Future Growth Node  which includes the  ‘Eisner Cove Wetland’. Feedback is … Continue reading

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Nature Canada Webinar – Canada’s New Climate Adaption Plan

Register Here

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May 27-29, 2022: Nature NS Celebration of Nature

‘Received from Nature NS: The Celebration of Nature is our big annual event, a talk and hike series as well as our AGM, and it always falls on the last weekend in May. Pre-COVID when the event took place entirely … Continue reading

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Saturday Apr 9, 2022: Rally in Support of Eisner Wetland (Dartmouth, NS)

The Protect Eisner Wetland folks are holding a rally on Saturday Apr 9, 2022 1-3 pm by the block of land that includes the Eisner Wetland in Dartmouth, a favourite local site for field trips by NSWFS. David Patriquin from … Continue reading

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Coast Restoration Projects

The Clean Foundation is currently undertaking several projects to restore wild habitat along Nova Scotia’s coasts. You can find out more at

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National Invasive Species Awareness Week – February 28th – March 4th

Registration for the many invasive species webinars being held during the week can be found at

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Friends of Eisner’s Cove Wetland seeking support 14Feb2022

From Susan Van Iderstine: “I am writing on behalf of the Friends of Eisner Cove Wetland, a group of citizens headed by Bill Zebedee. We are dedicated to the preservation of the wetland and its protective forest belt, situated in … Continue reading

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