Category Archives: Uncategorized

See Skunk Cabbage on Long Island Apr 14

The flowers should be more open than these photos from March 2017 Travel to  Digby  then convoy to Long Island > Balancing Rock parking lot. Leave Halifax  06:00 hrs.  Meet at Tim Hortons  Digby at exit 26, Near the Irving … Continue reading

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Members’ Photo Night Monday Jan. 28, 2019

On Monday Jan. 29, all NSWFS members have an opportunity to share their favourite recent photos on the high quality projector in the Museum of Natural History.  Select up to 10 of your favourite flora slides of the year or from any … Continue reading

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Bob’s Talk being Repeated Jan 3

3 Unique Habitats: Albert Mines, Cape Breton, Shingle Lake For those that missed it (or found he ran through the pictures too fast), Bob Kennedy will be repeating his presentation of his “3 Trips to Unique Habitats” at the Halifax … Continue reading

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Exploring Cape Breton July 21-30

Bob Kennedy and Jeff White are mounting a trip to explore Cape Breton flora from July 21-July 30. It includes the Baleine area, Aspy Bay and Meat Cove at the extreme North-West tip. We will be looking for arctic species … Continue reading

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Yellow Lady’s Slipper in Bloom

This weekend is perfect timing to see the Yellow Lady’s Slippers Orchids by Meadow Pond near Windsor. Also starting to bloom in the gypsum scree is Balsam Ragwort.

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Albert Mines, NB

I just got back from the gypsum talus slopes outside Albert Mines NB and had a pretty good day of finding new things. The particular draw for me was the only population of Dryas integrifolia in the Maritimes outside of … Continue reading

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April 12, 2018: Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Regional Park Citizen’s Meeting

“All are invited to a public meeting on April 12th for updates and information on park progress. We will also explore interest in forming a citizen’s group, such as a “Friends of Blue Mountain” group, to speak up for creation … Continue reading

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Mon March 26, 2018: Biodiversity of Nova Scotia’s Barrens: Not so Barren After All

If you ever enjoyed a walk out at Peggys Cove, Taylor Head, Duncan’s Cove or the Skyline trail in Cape Breton Highlands national park, this talk is for you. As well as being iconic landscapes, barrens contribute an important and … Continue reading

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Oct 14, 2017: Acadian Forest Walk

Acadian forest walk. The area of Sandy Lake/Jack Lake/Marsh Lake in Bedford supports some magnificent sweeps of mixed, multi-aged Acadian forest. David Patriquin will lead a walk to view several Old Growth stands. The basic walk will take about 2.5 … Continue reading

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