Trip to Area SW of Lake Rossignol


A few members of NSWFS are submitting an application to Lands and Forests for access to some lands near protected areas to the south and west of Lake Rossignol. The road in is gated and we need to apply for a permit for research activities before they will lend us the key. This is an area with very little data on iNaturalist and we hope to supplement that. For the research activity specified in the application, we have been in touch with NS Environment and the ACCDC about recording any rare Atlantic Coastal Plains Flora we find. Anne Mills will be joining us to look for any rare bryophytes and we will also be keeping an eye out for unusual lichens. The results will be uploaded to iNaturalist and if there are important finds, we will submit more detailed documentation to ACCDC and NS Environment.

The trip is planned for 2 days somewhere between Sep 28 and Oct 18. This will depend on the speed with which the application can be approved, availability of participants and weather forecasts. The intent is to overnight in Liverpool then head out early each morning to the sites. Four of us have already scouted the area outside the gate and have a fair idea what to expect. We found the roads to be OK but a key bridge was closed which adds to the length of the journey. Max speed is about 30km/hr, so it could take about 2 1/2 hours of driving each way to get to the sites from Liverpool. Our plan is to take 2 vehicles and a total of 6 people. There will be a fair bit of trekking through bogs and bushwacking, possibly some canoing.

If any NSWFS member is interested in coming, please contact Bob Kennedy

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HFN and NSWFS make a joint submission to the Regional Plan Review

Halifax Regional Plan Review 2021: Feedback from two naturalist societies – the Halifax Field Naturalists and the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society

Submitted to on July 15, 2021


The Halifax Field Naturalists (HFN), founded in 1975, seeks to “educate ourselves and the public at large in the natural history of Nova Scotia.” Current membership is 110 paid up members. We have a website at

The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society (NSWFS), founded in 1990, is dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of wild flora and habitat in Nova Scotia. Currently we have 47 paid up members. We have a website at

Both groups are Halifax based for in-person and now some virtual meetings, but we have members from all over the province, and our field trips occur throughout Nova Scotia.

Whenever possible, meetings and field trips of HFN and NSWFS are open to the public at large. In the last several years we have seen rising interest in our activities, reflecting the increased appreciation generally today of nature and of the many and special opportunities we have in Nova Scotia to enjoy nature.

Many of our members are involved as individuals in trail organizations and in specific conservation efforts. As naturalist societies, we are often asked to support such efforts by visiting specific sites and documenting the flora and fauna, and by writing letters of support.
HFN and NSWFS are members of Our HRM Alliance and are highly supportive of the draft document that has been circulating “Our HRM Alliance Response to the Proposed Regional Plan Review Themes & Directions”. We highlight some special concerns that we have as naturalist organizations below.


As naturalist societies and individually, it has been gratifying to participate in various HRM initiatives related to our ‘green spaces’ and we have been especially encouraged by the unanimous Regional Council support for the Halifax Green Network Plan in 2018 (but yet to be implemented). At the same time, however, we are witnessing continuing degradation of our green spaces. Continue reading

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NSWFS Field Trip: Sat June 12/21 10:00-12:00hrs. Jack Pine Barrens

Members Only. Max 5 participants.

Jack Pine Barrens:  Jack pine ,open and closed cones; Mountain sandwort; Hudsonia, Chokeberry, and others in bloom now.  Meet Parking Lot Near Naval Firefighting School. Will walk to selected sites along Purcel’s Cove Rd. and drive to 1-2 other sites. 10:00-12:00. Please register with Charles Cron by Friday night,10:00pm.

Call 902 477 8272 leave message,or email

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Annual General Meeting Apr 26

Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium pusillum) in bloom – Jeffrey White

The Annual General Meeting of the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society will be held Monday, April 26 at 07:00 PM Atlantic Time.

At 8 pm Conservation Data Centre Keynote Speakers, Sean Blaney (Executive Director & Senior Scientist) and Colin Chapman (Botanist/Lichenologist) will join us, to speak about their conservation work.

If you are a member or would like to be and do not have an invite to the Zoom meeting, please contact Anne Mills

See the “2020-2021 AGM” under “About Us” for the agenda and president’s message.

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NSWFS Field Trip : Digby Neck area. Sat. April 3 2021

We will meet Rev.Jeffrey White at Digby 10:00 am at the Tim Hortons parking lot just off the 101 Exit 26.  The Roundabout should take you to an Irving Station on the left entering Digby at Conway.  The Tim Hortons is next on the left.( If you need gas get it there). We will then travel in convoy to Digby Neck. Please register with Charles Cron if you wish to come. Call 902 477 8272 leave message (name telephone&/email ) or send email  ( so he can contact you.

Limitations: 2 or max 3 passengers per car ,wear masks, we will social distance on site; if too many, we will divide into smaller groups  – observing Covid-19 precautions). Hiking boots should be OK, rubber boots probably best. Expect soft wet ground, most spots.

Photos of Skunk Cabbage: Bob Kennedy
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NSWFS Monthly ZOOM Meeting Feb 22 – Lichen Conservation in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society regular business will begin at 7 PM and our speaker; Brad Toms, will join us at 7:30 p.m.

Brad is a Wildlife Biologist at the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute and will present on how to find and identify the lichens protected under endangered species legislation in Nova Scotia.

Zoom links and invitations have been sent out to members. If you are a member and have not received one or wish to become a member, please contact
Topic: NSWFS – February Monthly Meeting – Lichen Conservation in Nova Scotia
Time: Feb 22, 2021 07:00 PM Atlantic Time (Canada)
Photos Bob Kennedy, Jefferey White
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NSWFS Monthly ZOOM Meeting Mar 22 – Old Growth Identification and Protection on Crown Lands


The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society is inviting you to our March 22nd, 2021 ZOOM Meeting. Regular business will start at 7:00 pm.

Our presenters from Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry will be Peter Bush – Provincial Landscape Ecologist of  Forest Research and Planning and Brad Butt – Research and Planning Forester. They will join us at 7:30 pm to speak and answer questions about Old Growth Identification and Protection on Crown Lands in Nova Scotia.

Zoom links and invitations have been sent out to members. If you are a member and have not received one or wish to become a member, please contact
Topic: NSWFS – March Monthly Meeting – Old Growth Forest on Crown Lands
Time: Mar 22, 2021 07:00 PM Atlantic Time (Canada)
Photos Mary Macaulay
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Published today: Barrens Ecosystems in Nova Scotia: Classification of Heathlands and Related Plant Communities

NSWFS member Caitlin Porter is lead author of this magnificent publication:

Porter, C.J.M., Basquill, S.P. and Lundholm, J.T. 2020. Barrens Ecosystems in Nova Scotia: Classification of Heathlands and Related Plant Communities. Joint publication of Nova Scotia government and Saint Mary’s University. Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, Biodiversity Reference Guide 2020-001.

Caitlin J.M. Porter, Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS

 Sean P. Basquill, Wildlife Division, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, Kentville, NS; Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS

Jeremy T. Lundholm, Department of Biology, Department of Environmental Sciences, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS

It’s 72 pages, well illustrated with photos and maps. It is available in pdf form at
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NSWFS appeals planned logging on Crown land in Cumberland Co. 15Dec2020

Submitted to Forestry Maps via the HPMV (Harvest Plan Map Viewer, re: DNR ID CU060268, 9 ha Variable Retention 20% 

We (NSWFS) have walked the extent of this proposed clearcut (20% retention) and have established that it is old growth climax mixed acadian forest (circa at least 200 years old) with exceptionally unusual understory moss, lichen and tree lichen biodiversity. Somewhat of a “rain forest”.

Read More

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AGM by Zoom January 6, 2021

Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
Annual General Meeting 2019/2020 Years (combined due to COVID 19)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Via Zoom due to COVID 19

RSVP by Dec. 30 to Anne Mills
If you can join us on Zoom!

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