NS WIld Flora Society Meeting Monday, Apr. 22, 2019 7:30PM

Our speaker, Sean Blaney, will focus on recent fieldwork and new discoveries in Nova Scotia, especially in the Cape Breton Highlands in the highest elevation region of the National Park between Cheticamp and Clyburne Brook.

Sean is the Executive Director and Scientist for the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre in Sackville New Brunswick.

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See Skunk Cabbage on Long Island Apr 14

The flowers should be more open than these photos from March 2017

Travel to  Digby  then convoy to Long Island > Balancing Rock parking lot. Leave Halifax  06:00 hrs.  Meet at Tim Hortons  Digby at exit 26, Near the Irving CircleK,at 10:00 hrs.  Then drive  in convoy to East Ferry ,ferry across to Tiverton, then to Balancing Rock Parking lot. We will search the trail from the Parking Lot to Balancing Rock and return. There are other areas to search along the way around Tiddville in particular. 3-4 hr drive both directions from Halifax. Bring  lunch,water, rubber boots,and camera gear. Ground may be soft and wet. Please register with Charles Cron  902 477 8272 or email ccron72@hotmail.com by Friday Apr 12. Trip is weather dependent and final decision will be made by  9:00 pm  Friday evening.I will call participants or email Friday night if cancelled.

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Nature Trust’s Historic Land Campaign include two new properties, donations now matched 4:1 until April 5, 2019

From Nova Scotia Nature Trust: “Our Lasting Landscapes campaign was already on track for historic land conservation achievements. Now, an unexpected $400,000 top-up in matching funds means even greater biodiversity wins can be leveraged for Nova Scotia. We just added 2 more potential conservation sites to the 15 already being protected across the province. But to seize this new opportunity, we need to raise another $100,000, and secure both new conservation sites, by April 5, 2019.

“…Bolstered by the outpouring of support to date, we’ve seized this opportunity and signed offers to acquire the two additional properties: one in the Mabou Highlands and another in a popular near-urban wildland just minutes outside of Halifax.

“…All donations will be matched 4 to 1, but only until the April 5 deadline. Please help us save even more land through our Lasting Landscapes Campaign – now up to 17 sites – by donating today!”

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PART I: Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness hike & collecting
● WHEN: April 26, 2019, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
● WHERE: Meet at parking area at the end of Saskatoon Drive, near Maskwa
Aquatic Club
● WHO: Dr. Sean Haughian, Nova Scotia Museum
● WHAT: Guided lichen walk with Dr. Haughian, including primer on how to
photograph for iNaturalist and when / how to collect.
PART II: Lichen identification workshop and training
● WHEN: April 29, 2019 7:00 – 9:00 pm
● WHERE: Meet at NS Museum of Natural History
● WHO: Dr. Sean Haughian, NS Natural History Museum
● WHAT: Using microscopes and other technology, identify lichens collected
during the Bio-Blitz to species (or as close as possible)

Photos (L=>R): Blue Felt Lichen (Pectenia plumbea), Black Stone Flower (Parmotrema perlatum) – Photos by Jeff White; Tree Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria), Yellow Specklebelly (Pseudocyphellaria hawaiiensis), Trumpet Lichen (Cladonia fimbriata) – Photos by Bob Kennedy
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“Open” letter to Iain Rankin, Minister of Lands and Forestry

The Halifax Field Naturalist’s Conservation Committee wishes to bring an “open” letter to your attention. It is addressed to Iain Rankin, Minister of Lands and Forestry, from the Community Forests Shelburne County: Citizens Action for Ecological Forestry.

By copying and pasting this link into your search engine you may read the letter and become a signatory to it (https://www.stopclearcuts.com/letter). 

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April 26 to April 29, 2019: City Nature Challenge – Halifax

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Monday March 25, 2019 – Roots of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust: 25 years of Preserving Places for Special Plants


The Nova Scotia Nature Trust is celebrating 25 years of land conservation this year! Join Jessica Bradford, Conservation Project Coordinator, as she takes you through a short history of the Nature Trust rooted in preserving places for special and rare plants like the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora in Southwest Nova. She will also highlight some other Nature Trust conservation lands noted for their unique wild flora.

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NSWFS Nature Conservacy of Canada Talk

On Monday February 25 2019, guest  speaker and member Doug van Hemessen will inform us about some of the newest Nature Conservancy of Canada properties in Nova Scotia including the new acquisition in the Tatamagouche area.  We plan to visit that area in a weekend trip this summer.  Following Doug’s presentation (about 45  minutes) and questions, the remainder of the meeting will be devoted to a discussion of plans for the Tatamagouche trip. Charlie Cron will give a short presentation on some of the relatively rare intervale vegetation we may see in the area.


Canada Lily (Lilium canadense) – Photo Charles Cron

Come join us at 7:30 pm, Monday Feb. 25, 2019 in the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax. 

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Members’ Photo Night Monday Jan. 28, 2019

On Monday Jan. 29, all NSWFS members have an opportunity to share their favourite recent photos on the high quality projector in the Museum of Natural History.  Select up to 10 of your favourite flora slides of the year or from any trip you found interesting and put them on a memory stick to be loaded into a computer before the meeting begins. Do you have a photo of a Mystery Plant to include?  
Please contact us at nswildflora@yahoo.ca if you are interested and have not done so already. 
Photos are requested to be high resolution JPEG files in a single folder on your USB memory stick. They will be shown full screen from Bob’s Mac laptop. 
The file names should start with a number indicating the sequence in which you wish them to be shown. (ie- 01 WS Lunenberg.jpg, 02 Solidago canadensis buds.jpg, 03 Virginia Rose.jpg). Resolution should be 1920×1080 pixels or higher for best quality. We can also handle Power Point or PDF files, but we request them on a black background so as not to distract from the images. Fat32 or Mac OS formating is preferred for the USB sticks, but NTFS can be accomodated (and if you don’t know what this means, don’t worry about it).
You may also bring your own computer, but we request that you have tried it out beforehand so that we don’t waste time trying to get it to talk to the projector. The same applies for formats other than the ones recommended (We can work with .tif and .tga, but some others may not work). For this reason, JPEG files on a USB stick are preferred.
If you want to show more than 10 pictures, please contact us ahead of time with an estimate of the time you require so we can gage how it would fit in. We may be forced to enforce limits if there is more to present than time available.
Come join us at 7:30 pm, Monday Jan. 28, 2019 in the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax. 
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Mon Nov 26, 2018: Marion and Keith on Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

Photo by Keith Vaughan

At our next regular meeting, NSWFS members Keith Vaughan and Marion Sensen will talk about their visit to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks in Wyoming, USA, in October 2015. The talk will be illustrated with photographs taken at that time.
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