Mon Feb 26, 2018: Hunting for the Disjunct Populations of Flora in Nova Scotia

Thread-leaved sundew.
Photo by Bob Kennedy
View COSEWIC doc

Nova Scotia is particularly blessed with many small and unique communities of plants. Most of them are relics of different times in our natural history since glaciation. Many are unknown anywhere else in Canada. These small and isolated populations sometimes date back to the arctic and alpine plant life that dominated as the glaciers retreated, while others were stranded over a thousand miles away from their relatives to the south when warmer times cooled or the sea level rose. Some are fairly recent arrivals. Together, these populations form a record of the many climatic, geological and environmental changes that have been experienced here over the past 12,000 years and are still happening now.

On Mon Feb 26, 2018, NSWFS member Bob Kennedy will show some pictures of his explorations with the NS Wild Flora Society last spring and summer to some of the best locations in South-West Nova Scotia. Please join us and contribute to the discussion.

7:30 pm at the NS Museum of Natural History on Summer Street. Come in by the side entrance.

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An explanation for the “Acadian Forest Love Affair”

Participants in our October field trip to the old forest by Sandy Lake (Bedford, NS) will recall the embrace of a yellow birch and a hemlock. It was hard to see it as totally accidental. A little literature research suggests that indeed, it isn’t.

I first viewed this intimate association on the summer solstice (2017): a pair of yellow birch and hemlock seemed to be growing from the same base (photo at top left) their trunks ascending to the skies in tandem. I immediately thought of it as an “Acadian Forest Love Affair”.

Subsequently, with my eyes open to this forest affair, I viewed a half dozen or more other such couples.
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Please help protect West Mabou Beach Provincial Park

West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is under threat of partial development in the form of a golf course.

View Fight brewing over potential golf course in Mabou area
CBC, Jan 1, 2018

The West Mabou Beach Committee is asking wild flora enthusiasts to help them in their efforts to protect the park:

“You may or may not be aware that the beautiful West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is under threat, once again. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources has been in discussions with Cabot Links/Cabot Cliffs owner to development 18-hole golf course at West Mabou Beach Provincial Park.

“We feel that any attempt to compromise any part of this park with any type of development is unacceptable. We ask for your support in getting the word out on how important this park is to all of us and why it must remain, in its entirety, a provincial park.
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Monday Jan 22, 2018: Members’ slide night

January 22nd marks the first meeting in 2018 with members’ slide night. Members will receive an e-mail about how to proceed if you to participate as a presenter.

Slide night is always a fun evening as we learn about members’ special places, new finds and mystery plants.

All welcome. 7:30 pm at the Museum of Natural History, Summer Street, Halifax.

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Canada Rock Rose topic of BNS meeting in Wolfville, Oct 16, 2017

Canada rockrose, Crocanthemum_canadense
Source: Wikimedia

From the Blomidon Naturalists Society:

The Blomidon Naturalists Society will hold its regular October meeting on Monday, October 16 at 7:30 PM in Room BAC241 of the Beveridge Arts Centre, Acadia University, Wolfville.

The Blomidon Naturalists Society will be joining the Valley Gardeners Club for their annual joint meeting. The topic this month will be the Canada Rock Rose/Canada frostweed (Crocanthemum canadense), a species at risk in Nova Scotia. New work from researchers at Acadia, have uncovered the fascinating relationship between the rockrose and an insect larvae that results in pollination. This past summer, the research team at Acadia completed field work in the northeastern United States to determine whether this phenomena extends throughout the population. Join us to learn more about this fascinating plant and the results from the 2017 field season.

The meeting is open to the public.

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Oct 14, 2017: Acadian Forest Walk

Acadian forest walk.
The area of Sandy Lake/Jack Lake/Marsh Lake in Bedford supports some magnificent sweeps of mixed, multi-aged Acadian forest. David Patriquin will lead a walk to view several Old Growth stands. The basic walk will take about 2.5 hours, not difficult but slow-going in a few spots. There is a limit of 30 participants. To register, send an e-mail to; please put SANDY LAKE FOREST WALK in the subject line. NSWFS members will be given priority until Friday October 6th, then non-members will be accepted as space allows, but non-members can send in a request to participate earlier. Information on where to meet will be forwarded once registration is confirmed.

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Monday Sep 25, 2017: Building a functional mini-meadow without shocking the neighbours (too much)..

Pollinator friendly habitat in Tatamagouche
Click on image for larger version.

Monday Sep 25, 2017
Building a functional mini-meadow without shocking the neighbours (too much).. 
Mary Macaulay wants to be pollinator-friendly and will tell us how she is doing it. Mary, a long-time member of NSWFS, is owner and operator of the Social Enterprise Remember Adventures in Tatamagouche. She has been raising awareness about insect decline since 2013 via social media as Queen Bee for the global Insect Recovery Project.

Come join us at 7:30 pm, Monday Sep 25, 2017 in the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax. All welcome!

View our Programme Page for other upcoming talks and field trips

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Access to the old website

The old website can be accessed at

There is still a lot there (information, articles and photos), the site just won’t be updated.

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Website is being revised

Black Huckleberry
Sep 6, 2017

The format of the NS Wild Flora Society website is being revised so that it functions on a WordPress platform.

For the moment, just the upcoming program and recent news will be posted. I will provide access to the old website for reference purposes. (Eventually)

The new format will be easier to update and allow more people to be involved in maintaining the website.

  • David P Sep 12, 2017

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